Friday, January 14, 2011

It Takes Two

Two exciting things happened today - I made another amazing dinner and I avoided a huge temptation!

Let's start with the dinner. I have really learned to love cooking! I'm forcing myself to eat things I normally wouldn't and I'm (hopefully) getting healthier. I have to admit, I have become slightly addicted to, so I pulled another recipe from there - Laughing Cow Chicken Cordon Bleu. The recipe online says it has 217 calories, but I did my own math and it came to 235 calories, which is still really good, especially for a dinner. Four simple ingredients, chicken, cheese, lean ham and shake and bake made this a fantastic dish.

The chicken was great (Nic and I were literally "mmmmming" the entire time we were eating it,) but I'm still having a hard time with eating more veggies, so I melted another wedge of laughing cow cheese (35 calories) and poured it on top of my broccoli, which made it much more flavorful and tolerable. Total calories for the whole meal came to 324 which I am extremely pleased with.

That was win number one today! Win number two actually took place at work. We were having a farewell get together for one of my coworkers who is leaving the company I work at and they brought in cupcakes for her. I normally wouldn't think twice, but knowing I would have to be accountable to the WWW, I passed on them and instead ate a caramel rice cake. It was actually quite satisfying to have something sweet at the same time everyone else was. I honestly didn't even miss eating the cupcake!

So it was a win-win day today and I'm looking forward to Sunday's weigh in!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

keep this up and I may be tempted to climb out of my cooking funk :)