Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In #3

Good Morning Folks!

I know this has been a pretty lousy week for me when it comes to blogging. I've been motivated to do it, but being sick meant I wasn't cooking, so I didn't have much to write about. Good news though, I'll be back to cooking again on Tuesday, so it should be another fun week of blogging about great healthier food and my exercise escapades!

In my posting yesterday I talked about the changes I made while sick, and even though I was choosing better alternatives, I was not counting calories as they went into my body the way I had been the week before, so I knew today's weigh-in was uncertain. Regardless, I've vowed to do this, even if it means I'm posting an increase, and again set my goal of 2-3 pounds as my weight loss goal for the week.

I was shocked when I got on the scale and realized that even with my comfort foods while sick, I still lost 2.2 pounds, bringing my current total to 9 pounds lost! That means I'm only 1 pound away from my first mini-goal!! I was thrilled that I still managed to lose weight this week even with the obstacles I faced!

Things learned this week:
1. There are healthier substitutions for everything
2. I can be sick AND still lose weight
3. I'm going to try a couple different frozen meals - thanks for the advise!
4. Caffeine withdrawal sucks, but at least it's over

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