Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Do You Know the Muffin (Wo)man?

I hate breakfast. There is nothing more I despise in the morning than forcing myself to eat, which, I know sounds crazy coming from someone who is pretty much addicted to food.

My morning routine is simple. I kick Nic out of bed at 5:35am to get into the shower and then get up myself at 5:40am to start my pre-shower routine which consists of brushing my hair and teeth and picking out clothes for the day. By 5:50am I'm in the shower and ready to go out the door by 6:15am. 35 minutes to get up, get ready and go. The LAST thing I want to do is take time to make breakfast and yes, that includes pouring a bowl of cereal and milk.

So what's a girl to do when EVERY site is telling me I have to eat breakfast to boost metabolism and energy and yada yada yada... My solution? Breakfast muffins! I made my first batch of Cheesy Sausage Muffins (a recipe from sparkpeople.com) the other night and they were super simple and easy! Using Bisquick's Heart Smart mix, pre-cooked turkey sausage, Kraft-free cheddar cheese, fat free cream cheese, a little bit of skim milk and 2 eggs, Voila! I made something I could freeze and warm up at work that only has 101 calories.

The test came this morning (since I didn't go to work yesterday) and I was okay with the results. They had great texture and the cubed cream cheese chucks were a nice touch, but overall, I think they lacked salt. I was expecting something savory and it was unexpectedly sweet. They were still in the "didn't taste like diet food category," but I think next time I'll adjust the recipe and add a pinch of sea salt to see if that helps.

By the way, if you're ever interested in the recipes I'm trying, let me know. I will either type it and send it to you or point you to the website I pulled it from.

1 comment:

TheHealthyApron said...

Maybe you could try a small glass of OJ or pomegranate juice to get your appetite stimulated that early in the morning. I started this with my hubby when he didn't eat breakfast, within an hour or so he was ready for breakfast! I would pack him a yogurt with cereal and a piece of fruit. YOu could try that too! (If you are able to eat quickly at work).