Monday, January 10, 2011

My first fall

Today was definitely an adventure. Poor Nic, my husband, got food poisoning (from a fish burrito, not my cooking!) and we got to spend 1/2 the day in the ER. By the time we got home, I was starving and suffering from a headache from lack of sleep and nourishment. I'm not going to lie (remember, part of this blog is my accountability,) and I downed 5 Caramel Delight Girl Scout cookies without a second thought. So crap, I ate 375 calories that I'm now feeling horribly guilty about.

After beating myself up for the mistake I made, I remembered I had packed my lunch the night before planning to bring it to work with me today. So I unpacked it and ended up having the sandwich made from low fat turkey breast, mustard, lettuce and honey wheat sandwich thins, and two pickles. I skipped the diet soda and replaced it with water and didn't either the apple or the clementine because I was full. I know, I know... lunch meat is not a great "diet" food because it's loaded with sodium, but it's WAY better than take out and came in at just under 150 calories. I did end up having both fruits around 3:00 because I was craving something sweet.

Today really was a wakeup call for me. I realized that there are times I eat without thinking, which is why I didn't think twice about the Girl Scout cookies until after I had consumed them. By the time I got home from the ER I was so tired that food literally went into my mouth without my brain comprehending what I was doing. This is going to be a REALLY hard habit to break. I also realized my self control is nearly non-existent, so it's going to be in my best interest to keep tempting, unhealthy foods out of the house.

So even though I am disappointed in my lack of self control, I'm going to channel my inner Confucius and remember "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall."

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Sorry to be responsible for your first fall. I promise not to sell you anymore cookies! I do like that you said your first fall, because you know there will be more. It's all about getting right back up and going on. I don't believe in diets, but I'm all about "eat better, move more". It takes longer, but it's much more sustainable and better for you in the long run.